# protistology
New paper about loxocephalid ciliates is out!
Check it out! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2021.125833

New Nature Communications paper is finally out!
Co-authored by Tomáš Pánek and Ivan Čepička.
You can read it here:

Anaerobic ciliates on TV!
See Johana answering some questions about our latest paper in Current Biology on Czech television here: shorturl.at/bjknw

New Current Biology paper!
Our new paper by Rotterova et al., published in Current Biology, brings insights into the evolution of obligate anaerobiosis in ciliates. We have described two new classes of obligately anaerobic ciliates, Muranotrichea and Parablepharismea, with prokaryotic symbionts and reduced mitochondria with unique pathways for energetic metabolism, introducing possible mechanisms of transitions to obligate anaerobiosis.
You can read it here: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(20)30434-6.pdf

European Congress of Protistology in Rome
European Congress of Protistology #ECOP2019 was held in Rome! So many exciting talks and posters. Besides meeting friends and colleagues, Johana and Katka got to share news about anaerobic ciliates and their prokaryotic symbionts and energetic metabolism with protistologists from all around the world. Enjoyed it to the fullest! Thanks International Society of Protistologists #ISOP for the support and all the organizers for making this conference happen! It was a blast! http://www.ecop2019.org/

49th Jírovec’s Protozoological Days
April 22 - 26, 2019
Dear protistologists,
we would like to invite you to the 49th Jírovec’s Protozoological Days, which will take place from April 22 to 26, 2019 at castle in Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czech Republic. The conference is organized by the Protozoological section of the Czech Society for Parasitology.
Check out the conference website for more info.

A new Protist paper just published!
Read about our unexpected discovery of Idiometopus turbo on Guam, Micronesia. Idiometopus turbo was identified by live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy, providing reasonable evidence of conspecificity when compared with the original description by Dragesco and Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986. Outstanding morphologic features include the stout shape and transversely situated bandform macronucleus.
Check out the paper here!
A new paper published in IJSEM!
In this article published in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology we provide morphologic and morphometric data based on in vivo observation, protargol impregnation, scanning electron microscopy and an 18S rRNA gene sequence for another member of the genus Brachonella, Brachonella pulchra comb. nov. (basionym: Metopus pulcher Kahl, 1927). We also provide preliminary data on resting cyst structure and formation in Brachonella pulchra and discuss the possible taxonomic usefulness of these structures.
Check out the paper here!
Our new paper published in Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
In our latest paper we present a novel protistan lineage Dactylomonas gen.nov., a heterolobosean flagellate closely related to amoeba Selenaion koniopes (Park, De Jonckheere & Simpson, 2012).
Check out the paper here!
17.10.2018 11:30 Demonstrace protist
Jsi student PřF UK? Zajímá Tě život pod mikroskopem? Přijď se příští středu 17.10. v 11:30 před Velkou Zoologickou posluchárnu po přednášce z Protistologie podívat na prvoky, co žijí bez kyslíku! Chceš vědět, co žije na konkrétním místě? Přines si vlastní vzorky ze své zahradní tůně, rybníku na chalupě, či jakékoliv jiné lokality a prozkoumej s námi, co se v nich skrývá za život! Žádné nemáš? Nevadí, ukážeme ti pod mikroskopem organismy, které studujeme my!
Are you a student at Faculty of Science? Would you like to see the life under a microscope? Come to have a look next Wednesday 17th of October at 11:30, in front of the B7 lecture hall after the Protistology lecture, to see protists that live without oxygen! Curious what lives in a specific spot? Bring a sample from your own pond, lake in the countryside or any other locality and research what is hiding there! You don't have any place in mind? Just come and see the organisms we study in our lab.

New paper published in Protist
In collaboration with Vladimir Hampl´s Lab (BIOCEV) a new paper was published in Protist. It focuses on the molecular and morphological diversity of oxymonad genera Monocercomonoides and Blattamonas gen.nov..
Check out the paper here!
Our new paper published in Environmental Microbiology
In collaboration with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA a new paper was published in Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. It deals with endosymbiotic methanogenic archaean living in anaerobic metopid ciliate Heterometopus. A phylogenomic approach showed that the methanogenic archaean is closely related to free-living Methanobacterium isolates. Genes potentially important for the symbiosis were identified by comparative genomic analysis.
Check out the paper here!
We described a novel deep-branching ciliate lineage!
In collaboration with William Bourland from Boise University in Idaho, USA a new paper was published in Protist. It describes a new ciliate family Tropidoatractidae, a novel deep branching lineage of Metopida (Armophorea, Ciliophora). They can be found in diverse habitats and often possess symbiotic prokaryotes.
Check the new ciliate family Tropidoatractidae here!